"Tha Nekrophone Dayz: Remnant And Traces From The Years Worth Living”... Jujur gw tadinya gak tau banyak tentang Homicide, gw cuman baca interview dengan Ucok A.K.A Morgue Vanguard (Homicide's MC) di salah satu zine, semua jawabannya di situ masuk banget ama gw! trus gw nyari2 di web, trus download 3 lagunya, trus download zine pribadi-nya, trus gw mulai nyari CD Homicide. Suatu sore yang indah gw dapat kabar dari Ari The Idiots kalo ada cd Homicide baru datang di distro-nya dia, langsung embat, and denger dengan volume MAX... n hasilnya?... WAOOWWW... 18 track yang bener2 "berisi" full of content, ngajak lu berpikir gak hanya mendengar, lu bayangin aja orang yang suka baca buku filsafat, aktifis yang direct action turun ke jalan, megang mic dan nge-rap dengan lirik yang cerdas banget. Lu bakal di sajikan kejamnya dunia didalam setiap liriknya. B-boys Hiphop? gw rasa bukan! lebih ke Death Trash HipHopCore? Persetan dengan pengotakan music... But Homicide benar membuat angin segar buat HipHop Indonesia gokil banget! Politik... Bahkan lebih anarcho dari anarcho punk sekalipun! wah pokoknya gw gak berani ngomentarin Homicide, lebih baik gw rangkum semua pendapat teman-teman di web.. so plz check it out pals:
wah ini rilisan penting nih,wajib di beli…bayangin aja orang yg suka baca buku buku filsafat garda depan kayak baudrilard pegang mic trus nge rap ..homicide bikin scene indie ga malu maluin dan bukan cuman trend doang tapi ada wacana nya,ada content nya…salut lah buat ucok homicide.. sepuluh taun lagi orang2 baru pada ngerti apa yang lu bikin skr cok hehehe BTW denger denger mo ngerilis buku yah.wajib di tunggu juga tuh(Ini bukan propaganda marketing bullshit buat naekin angka penjualan yah,tapi komen murni dari fans) by: infinite_despair
Ricecooker Kerbau
Saya dengar album ini akan direrelease oleh Papakerma untuk Malaysia. contact: info@papakerma.com . Bagi mereka di Indonesia, sila email: subciety@frblt.com
Hallo kawan-kawan semua…
Telah beredar album kumpulan single-single lama dan baru milik Homicide berjudul Tha Nekrophone Dayz: Remnant And Traces From The Years Worth Living. Album ini hanya tersedia dalam format CD yang dirilis oleh label lokal Bandung yang sudah merilis Jeruji “S/T”, Rise Up “V/A” serta VCD One Blood 2, yaitu Subciety Records.
Untuk teman-teman yang berada di wilayah Bandung bila ingin mendapatkan rilisan Homicide tersebut, silahkan kunjungi distro-distro sebagai berikut;
1. Soho Chiwalk
2. Anonim
3. Harder
4. Arena
5. Riotic
6. 347/EAT
7. Toko Buku Ultimus
8. Tobucil
9. Mordor
10. Full Speed Ahead [Belakang Ultimus]
Sementara ini baru distro-distro tersebut yang sudah mendistribusikan rilisan dari Subciety Records tersebut. Jika dikedepannya nanti ada penambahan titik distribusi, akan diberitahukan secepatnya.
Sedangkan kawan-kawan yang berada di luar kota Bandung bila tertarik untuk mendistribusikan rilisan ini ataupun hanya membeli per- biji-nya, silahkan order dengan cara mengontak terlebih dahulu di alamat email:
subciety [at] frblt.com
Begitu pula bila kawan-kawan bekerja di stasiun radio ataupun membuat Fan/Magzines, buruan kontak kita di alamat email yang sudah ditulis diatas.
Terima kasih atas perhatian kawan-kawan!
Jabat erat jalinan pertemanan!
* Masih dibuka lebar pintu kita jika kawan-kawan ingin mengorder Subciety Zines [Cukup mengganti ongkos kirim]
Homicide MySpace
"Diehard fans of the now-defunct Portishead take notice. For those craving more music by that legendary Bristol-based band, a superb alternative has formed in the city you least expected. Yet these five college students from Jakarta do more than just pay homage. The group says it plays music "for times when the ecstasy wears off and the tingle becomes a chill, " a kind of "dance noir for those too world-weary to move." True, this trip-hop outfit is more suitable to rainy days and Mondays than a pick-me-up jam before going out on Friday night, but that's what makes them so unique on the Jakarta scene." by: EVERYBODY LOVES IRENE
Bandung Magazine.COM
'The Nekrophone Dayz' is a small anthology documented almost all Homicide's sonic works they did during 11 years of existance. Contains their earlier to newest materials that formed this two EPs combo, compilation songs, unreleased remixes plus one demo cut, including the remastered version of their alredy-classic “Semiotika Rajatega” and “Boombox Monger”. Straight-up 18 cuts on one solid CD.
Homicide is not only pioneering the real hiphop sounds in Bandung Indonesia, they're also marked as one of the most significant groups Bandung ever produced. They combined street battle verses with political consciousness and
punk rock ethics, backed with musics that deep rooted in the tradition of New York's jeep beats and avantguard's fearless noises. With influences ranging from Rakim to Marvin Gaye, Public Enemy to This Heat to The Last Poet to Crass and Neurosis, they're also known for their dedication in local activism and democratic grass root movement, no wonder if they're thightly connected to the local punk/HC scene and local resistance network as well.
They didnt only save Indonesian hiphop scene from the bling-bling storm but also calling out an insurection during Suharto's regime. Being hated by zealouts from a number of organized religions they lived their words to the fullest. The label anarcho-hiphop is not enough to describe their words, sounds and passion throughout eleven years of grabbing the mics. This CD is the chance for anyone who never heard the rawest and heaviest jeep beats and fiercest rhymes ever made in Indonesia
Salut buat Homicide ("the oldman rule" kata Tremor), yang gak hanya "nyanyi" tapi juga direct action turun ke jalan, murtad kiri, dan walaupun udh punya anak tapi tetap Gahar!!!. N sorry ya teman-teman yang comment2-nya, gambar n semua yang gw copy2-in. I just wanna spreading the word. Sendiri melawan dunia dari balik kawat duri ala Tremor aka Beyond The Barbwire.
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