Monday, May 23, 2005

My Lovely Dog call Giman, Lahir akhir tahun 2002, jenis: 100% Local Dog ( Bojong ), anak dari Opik dan Ipok.
 Posted by Hello

My Lovely Dog call Ipok, Lahir pertengahan tahun 2000, jenis: 100% Local Dog ( GKJ ), istri dari Opik dan ibu dari Giman
 Posted by Hello

My Lovely Dog call Opik, Lahir pertengahan tahun 2000, jenis: 100% Local Dog ( GKJ ), suami dari Ipok dan bapak dari Giman. Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Stop Animal Testing! Coba tanyakan pada experimenters mengapa binatang dijadikan sebagai bahan percobaan, jawabannya adalah : ' Karena tubuh mereka mirip dengan manusia', dan coba tanyakan apakah secara moral ok untuk melakukan test terhadap binatang? jawabannya adalah : ' Karena mereka tidak sama dengan manusia'. Animal testing tinggalah sebuah kontradiksi logika. Binatang dipenjara dalam kandang besi, dibedah, dijadikan obyek untuk percobaan yang mengakibatkan stress dan tekanan pada mereka, padahal tingkat ketahanan depresi antar species sangatlah berbeda! Pengaruh obat dan segala macam test pada binatang sangat jauh berbeda dengan keadaan dan kondisi tubuh manusia... STOP animal Testing! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Ribuan satwa langka diperdagangan di pasar-pasar burung yang ada di Indonesia. Sebagian besar satwa tersebut adalah hasil tangkapan dari alam. Perdagangan ini telah mendorong semakin langkanya satwa-satwa tersebut di alam, dan dikuatirkan akan menyebabkan kepunahan. Beberapa satwa telah mengalami kepunahan lokal, seperti Lutung Jawa (Trachypitechus auratus), Owa (Hylobates sp), Harimau (Panthera tigris spp), dan sebagainya.
Menurut peraturan hukum di Indonesia antara lain UU Nomer 5 tahun 1990, perdagangan satwa dilindungi adalah dilarang. Pelanggarnya dapat diancam hukuman penjara 5 tahun dan denda Rp 100 juta. Namun demikian perdagangan satwa dilindungi masih marak terjadi di berbagai tempat. Bahkan ada yang terjadi secara terbuka.

Penegakan hukum perlindungan satwa di Indonesia sangat diperlukan. Namun pemerintah Indonesia, dalam hal ini Departemen Kehutanan, mengeluh bahwa mereka kesulitan untuk mencari tempat untuk menampung satwa-satwa hasil sitaan. Sementara ini satwa sitaan sering dititipkan di kebun binatang, namun banyak kebun binatang yang mulai menolak menerima satwa sitaan lagi.

Untuk itulah ProFauna (sebelumnya bernama KSBK) dengan dukungan dana dari Gibbon Foundation mendirikan Pusat Penyelamatan Satwa (PPS) atau Wild Animal Rescue Center di Petungsewu Malang, Jawa Timur. PPS Petungsewu adalah tempat penampungan sementara satwa hasil sitaan sebelum satwa tersebut dilepas kembali ke alam. PPS Petungsewu didirikan untuk mendorong penegakan hukum perlindungan satwa liar di Indonesia.

Sejak tanggal 5 Juli 2002, Pengelolaan PPS Petungsewu diserahkan ke Yayasan PPS Petungsewu. Yayasan PPS Petungsewu adalah yayasan yang mandiri, terlepas dari ProFauna. Pengelolaan PPS Petungsewu menjadi tanggung jawab penuh Yayasan PPS Petungsewu, bukan lagi ProFauna.

PPS Petungsewu yang kini menempati lahan seluas 2,3 hektar ini dilengkapi dengan kandang dan fasilitas penampungan satwa. Lokasi PPS yang berada di bukti di kaki Pegunungan Kawi yang berhawa sejuk ini sangat nyaman untuk satwa. Dari pusat kota Malang, dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 menit dengan mobil untuk menuju lokasi PPS Petungsewu.

Di pagi dan sore hari banyak terdapat burung-burung liar yang mencari makan, karena di tempat ini banyak ditumbuhi pohon yang tumbuh sendiri maupun yang ditanam oleh KSBK. Kawasan ini sangat menarik untuk pengamatan burung, karena juga disediakan menara untuk pengamatan.

Walaupun PPS Petungsewu lebih mengkhususkan untuk satwa primata, namun juga dilengkapi dengan kandang-kandang jenis satwa lainnya seperti kandang kakatua, elang, karnivora, dan rusa.

Untuk meminimalkan stress satwa, PPS Petungsewu pada prinsipnya adalah tempat yang tertutup untuk umum. PPS Petungsewu juga bukanlah tempat wisata atau kebun binatang. Tempat ini memang benar-benar diperuntukan untuk satwa. Prinsip-prinsip animal welfare diperhatikan dalam mengelola PPS ini.

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat anda peroleh di :
Yayasan PPS Petungsewu
Desa Petungsewu, Kecamatan Dau, Kabupaten Malang
KP 3030 Malang 65100 INDONESIA

ProFauna Indonesia
email: telepon: 0341 570033

Monday, May 16, 2005

Kawinan Cholis! Tanggal May 7th 2005 dirumah Cholis, dari kiri ke kanan : Ichan, Yudi, Peter, Cholis, Istri Cholis, Riza Ndut, Riza, Heri. Semoga Awet, Langgeng, Mesra selalu, and cepet punya colcol kecil yg lucu. Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Free Kevin Mitnick!

Kevin mitnick adalah salah satu pahlawan yang memberi influence ke setiap pemberontak digital dimuka bumi ini. Perlawanannya untuk setiap software yang mengharuskan user mengeluarkan uang ( Komersialisme IT ) dalam jumlah yang tidak kecil, dan hak semua orang untuk bisa menikmati IT...

Perlawanannya membuat pemerintah US kelabakan dan untuk sekedar catatan beliau pernah dilarang oleh negara untuk menyentuh komputer yang tersambung dengan jaringan merupakan tindakan overacting dari pemerintah U.S untuk memberangus keadilan.

Kevin memberi arti Hacker yang lebih sebagai pahlawan seperti Robin Hood, menjebol sistem keamanan yang berarti juga memberikan revisi untuk setiap lubang yang ada pada software2 yang komersil. Tetapi sayangnya sekarang banyak yang merubah menjadi cracker yang merugikan dan hanya merusa, seperti Carding ( Mencuri no credit card ) yang sangat merugikan Indonesia ( Sekedar catatan: Indonesia #1 negara yang di-banned untuk bisa melakukan transaksi menggunakan Credit Card! )

Mungkin gw tidak bisa sehebat Kevin Mitnick, dan tidak bisa merubah dunia, tetapi the story about kevin is everlasting. Damned! Doh! check this site for complete story : . Go Kevin... Kevin Kickass...

Dari balik monitor buram... saya peter.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Mumia Abu Jamal

Mumia Abu Jamal seorang pemuda muslim kulit hitam USA yang terlibat pembunuhan tahun 1981 terhadap seorang petugas polisi telah mengguncang latar konstitusional, hukum, dan moral. Di negara yang mengaku sebagai Polisi Dunia dimana Hak asasi dan RAS masih menjadi persoalan, sibuk membangun penjara dengan sistem keamanan tinggi tetapi memberangus hak setiap napi ( baca : Memberangus Keadilan, terbitan Profetik ). Pengadilan yg tidak "adil" dan rasis... berikut ini cuplikan pengalaman Tom Morello ( Guitarist band Rage Against The Machine ) saat bersama dengan Mumia ( taken from : ).

I just returned from a visit with Mumia Abu-Jamal. It was an amazing visit with an amazing man.

SCI Greene, the prison which holds Mumia, houses 1600 inmates. The prison is a sprawling series of one-story buildings, connected by long corridors, and surrounded by two huge fences draped with razor wire. There is also razor wire many feet below the ground, to prevent inmates from tunneling out. In the seven years that the prison has been open, no convicts have ever escaped.

The prison is built on a piece of flat land in the midst of hilly country in the southwest corner of Pennsylvania, in the old coal mining town of Waynesburg. Most of the miners in the area were fired from their jobs during the Reagan era, and there is a tremendous amount of unemployment. Now the chief industry in the region is SCI Greene maximum security penitentiary. Most of the guards are white rural Pennsylvanians; most of the inmates are African-Americans from hundreds of miles away, Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. It is a model of the 90s and early 2000s corporate jail. Rather than mining black coal, the new product is black men.

I arrived at the prison and was met by a young rebel by the name of Adam, who was to shepherd me through the very complicated and often antagonistic procedures that one must go through to meet with a prisoner on death row. Adam has a citizen's license to monitor the prisoners to make sure that they're not being abused. He's friends with a lot of the prisoners and a lot of the guys on death row. He was sort of stalling in the waiting room to hang out with me to make sure that everything went alright. They were trying to force him to either go visit someone or to get the hell out of there. He managed to stall for a while before finally having to go to visit one of the other prisoners. There's all sorts of rules there; you can't use a cellphone, or a pager, or a laptop computer in the waiting room, presumably because you're going to be tapping into the mainframe of the prison and finding out where all the air ducts were and things like that. They kept yelling at people for trying to do that.

The first guard that we encountered was really a dick. He was doing everything he could to make my visit as difficult as possible. When I arrived, he said "Well, Mumia's meeting with his attorneys, so you can't meet with him." I said "I understand that visiting time is until 3:30, so that gives me four and a half hours. He's expecting me, and I'm sure he'll soon be done." He then said "are you on his visiting list?" "Yes, I am." I could tell that he was crossing his fingers and hoping like hell that I was not on the list, but he finally dejectedly said "I guess I see you there." Like a crabby-ass hall monitor, this mustachioed guard kept chastising us, telling me and my new friend Adam that we had to keep it down.

I befriended one of the other guards. These guys are people from poor coal-mining families now making pretty decent money from these relatively well-paying jobs keeping the blacks at bay. It's sad in a way, because the class backgrounds of both guards and inmates are probably very similar, and yet… I learned a bit about this guy and his coal-mining background, since the Morellos were Illinois coal miners. And since both he and I were football fans, we kind of made connections over that, and that ended up helping facilitate my entry into the prison.

After you complete your paperwork and pass through the metal detector, you wait for the first electronic iron door to swing back, at which point you pass the threshold of terror. You can look out the windows in the hallway that you're walking down, and see the point where you pass the razor wire-covered fence, meaning that now you are on the Inside. Clark Kissinger had cryptically warned me to make sure that I did not go to the prison alone, and to make sure that whoever was waiting for me had a contact number, just in case I disappeared Guatemalan-style. So it was really a weird moment when you finally crossed that threshold. I thought "my fate is now in the hands of a guy that I hope will one day open that door so I can return. But right now, that is not in my control." And that is a very, very scary feeling. At each exchange, you show a guard behind bullet-proof glass your paperwork, and are allowed to proceed past the next set of scary doors. In the deepest recesses of the prison is death row.

I passed through the waiting room area, and entered the visiting room, where at long last, through thick glass, I got to meet Mumia.

The thing that was most striking about the whole experience was how vital, alive, intelligent, humorous and free Mumia Abu-Jamal seems after having spent 23 hours a day for nearly 20 years, in a cell smaller than the average bathroom. We spoke for two hours about matters of great and small importance, and treated each other like long-lost friends. Mumia remained handcuffed throughout the entire visit.

The night before I was to visit Mumia, I called up JK, and requested that he put a message on the Rage website asking if any of our fans wanted to send messages to Mumia. What followed was an amazing outpouring of feelings and well wishes from Rage Against the Machine fans, in a very short period of time. From Serbia, Ireland, Canada, Australia, England, Germany, even Mumia's Philadelphia, messages of support came flooding in. Sadly, I was warned in advance that I would be unable to bring the messages in, even to read them to Mumia. So I jotted down some of the highlights on a small piece of paper and smuggled it into the visiting room. As I unfolded the piece of paper, I was sure that some secret camera was videotaping me and soon I would be dragged away. But I managed to get some of your messages through verbatim, and Mumia was tremendously touched by the sentiments expressed by Rage fans. It's clear that this man, through his struggle, has touched many of your lives, and as one person wrote, Mumia has already won the war, even if they may win the occasional battle, because he has struck a spark from which thousands will spring and fight injustice. So thank you for your messages, he was very touched by them, and we will be mailing all of your messages to him in their totality to his address at the prison.

Mumia was very grateful for all of the support that he has received from RATM fans. He said that he receives letters every week from people who have found out about his case via the band, and that at every pro-Mumia demonstration Rage fans can be counted in large number. He sends his thanks and deep appreciation for all of those people's efforts on his behalf.

Mumia and I talked about many things, including several of the columns that he has written recently. We talked about the heroism of the American revolutionary Tom Paine, and how he was the Che Guevara of his time-fighting injustice in the American colonies, in Great Britain, and in the French Revolution as well. One of the things that Thomas Paine wrote about-which was rejected by some of the Founding Fathers who were from the slave-owning aristocracy-was about the importance of a social safety net, that part of guaranteeing "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" was making sure that there would not be any who were destitute or poor. There are echoes of that today. Corporate welfare continues to run rampant and millionaire owners of corporations are bailed out when there's a dip in the stock market, while people in rural America and in the inner cities who cannot feed their children are forced to find some way to do it, through crime or prostitution or whatever. This is a gross injustice because, as Mumia pointed out, there is no greater fear, no cop's gun pointed at you, no horror movie in existence, that is as scary as not bringing home a paycheck when you have mouths to feed. And it is that kind of fear that eventually lands a lot of people in jail, and that is perpetuated by an economically unjust society.

We talked about the police in Philadelphia, and how they had responded very differently to three recent incidents. They diverted a gathering of African-American fraternities away from yuppie-esque South Street, to the ghetto. They stood by with a "kids will be kids, whaddya gonna do?" attitude when predominantly white Mardi Gras revelers looted and flipped over cars on that same street a few months later. And most pointedly, the police arrested by the hundreds and bashed heads when a mixed race gathering of people of a leftist political orientation let their feelings be known at the Republican National Convention. Those who are sworn to serve and protect, clearly function as agents to maintain the economic and political status quo, by any means necessary.

We talked about Mumia's current legal situation, which is in flux. He has asked the court to allow him to dismiss his current legal council because one of the junior attorneys was on the verge of publishing a tell-all account of Mumia's trial, while it's entering one of its most critical stages. He feels that this is a tremendous conflict of interest, and will be seeking to handle his own legal affairs the rest of the way.

We talked about history. Because of our education system and consumer culture, history is presented to kids as nothing more than boring statistics-dates, facts, and the aberrant military behavior of white men-and how this is one of the major crimes of our educational system, that young people are not taught that they themselves are historical agents. A tether is not drawn between those who have fought for, and achieved progressive, radical, and even revolutionary change in the past, and young people today. Mumia brought up the example of Harriet Ross, a slave who one day had had enough. She was harboring a young man who was to be beaten by his owner. She squared off against one of the slave masters, basically kicking his ass, and then rode off to freedom on the back of a cow. This woman was Harriet Tubman's mother. Clearly, Harriet Tubman, one of the greatest Americans and founder of the Underground Railroad, knew her history. Mumia and I bemoaned the fact that young women today see as their role models people like Gisele, or Christina Aguilera, or Destiny's Child. Those are the doors that are left wide-open and ringed with neon lights for women to dream about entering, while the doors of our radical past are kept hidden from view.

Mumia is tremendously well-read and made several book recommendations to me which I will pass along to you: "The Black Jacobins" by C.L.R. James, "The Many-Headed Hydra" by Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker, and "Rogue State" by William Blum.

He was very kind and thanked Rage Against the Machine for the work that we had done on his behalf, paused momentarily and said "you've got balls." I thanked him, but reminded him that if anyone had balls, it was him, for his ceaseless struggles for justice from behind bars, as well as those within the movement who had continued to fight at the grassroots, not only for a fair trial and for his release, but for continuing his struggles against injustice in every quarter.

One of the things that was most impressive about Mumia is that he seeks no pity. It seems to me that the hell on earth that is death row, has not damaged his spirit in the least. He pointed out that Amadou Diallo was not on death row, and yet he met his end as a "free man." This message was driven home to me later that day when I heard from my mom that a childhood friend of mine, Larry Jones, a black man in his prime, had OD'd on drugs and died that day, on his birthday. He was faced with the kind of hopelessness and dead-end options that one can face in the ghetto, circumstances that are insured by economic and social injustice. Larry Jones was not on death row, yet he too, met his end, in part, at the hands of a fucked-up system.

We talked about figures that have been inspirational to us, like Bob Marley-who Mumia had actually interviewed (and shared a big fat joint with) during his days on the outside as a journalist-and Muhammad Ali, and what a tremendous inspiration they were to both of us. They were two people who had found loopholes in the system. Bob Marley's talent and spirit were able to transcend race in order to bring a message of freedom and solidarity across the globe. Muhammad Ali, through his athletic prowess, was one of the principal reasons for putting and end to the US involvement in the Vietnam War, by galvanizing blacks and whites alike, with his reminder that "no Vietcong ever called me 'nigger.'"

We also spent a lot of time laughing and joking about the irony of Rage Against the Machine winning a Grammy, about some of our musical tastes, and just having a really nice time chatting like old friends. I told Mumia that through the tremendous impact he has had on people around the globe, that through his amazing insightful articles that he continues to publish (available at, his ongoing struggle against the corrupt American legal system, his effervescent spirit and the fact that his voice continues to challenge, and change the world, makes him a person who is much more free than many of us who walk around in society, drive through the KFC, numb ourselves with cable TV, and live our lives without our hands on the wheel of history. With a rich laugh, broad smile, and light in his eyes, Mumia paused, looked at me square in the face, and said "I know."

When the guard came in and said that my time was up, we pressed our fists together through the thick glass (his still in handcuffs), exchanged farewells, love and respects, and spontaneously shouted "power to the people!" in unison.

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a great man, a great revolutionary, and a friend. Thank you again for your outpouring of support, which we will forward to him. Together, we will continue the struggle for a fair trial for Mumia, his eventual release, and to keep fighting against injustice wherever it rears its head.

Tom Morello

Pls Visit :

Tuesday, May 10, 2005









For My MOTHER'S B'day! [ 09 / 05 / 55 ] R.I.P [ 21 / 04 / 04 ]

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Christian MetalCore

Kadang music metal sering dianalogikan dengan Mabok, Tattoo, FreeSex dan hal negative lainnya. Padahal tidak semua seperti itu. Banyak Band MetalCore yang lyricsnya religius baget... Tapi gak kaya DEWA yg ribut ribut kmaren kalieeee... Misalnya band yg sudah gede bgt kaya ZAO ( My fav one ), Living Sacrifice, dsb.. lyricnya dark n frustrated tapi tetap menuju ke Tuhan sebagai solusinya. Dan untuk band yg lebih ringan misalnya MxPx band Punkrock yg tetep inget Tuhan n tetep masukin GOD dalam list thanx setiap albumnya.

CristianCore merupakan perkembangan dari Straight Edge Science yg bermula dari band2 DC khususnya Minorthreat yaitu We don't Drink , don't smoke, n don't fuck... dan makin lama makin extrem, misalnya jadi ada Vegan MetalCore, ChristianCore, KrishnaCore, etc....

Records Label untuk band Christian Metal or Punk juga sudah banyak, mungkin yang paling besar saat ini yaitu Facedown Records dan Solidstate Records. Band Emo kaya Dashboard Confessional juga dulunya bawain lagu2nya Fugazi ( Band dari Ian McKaye Minorthreat ) dan bawain lagu2 christian.

So Music metal n berisik gak selamanya setan melulu. baca dulu lyricnya coz lyric is da power...

Friday, May 06, 2005

Toby is the cutest little bunny on the planet. Unfortunately, he will DIE on June 30th, 2005 if you don.t help. I rescued him several months ago. I found him under my porch, soaking wet, injured from what appeared to be an attack from an alley cat. I took him in, thinking he had no chance to live from his injuries, but miraculously, he recovered. I have since spent several months nursing him to health. Toby is a fighter, that.s for sure.
Unfortunately, on June 30th, 2005, Toby will die. I am going to eat him. I am going to take Toby to a butcher to have him slaughter this cute bunny. I will then prepare Toby for a midsummer feast. I have several recipes under consideration, which can be seen, with some pretty graphic images, under the recipe section.
I don’t want to eat Toby, he is my friend, and he has always been the most loving, adorable pet. However, God as my witness, I will devour this little guy unless I receive 50,000$ USD into my account from donations or purchase of merchandise. You can help this poor, helpless bunny’s cause by making donations through my verified PayPal account by clicking on any of the Donate buttons on this site, or by purchasing merchandise at the online store.
Here is the current status of donations for Toby, as of May 3rd, 2005. Thanks to everyone who has contributed!
Please Click : Posted by Hello

Harpitnas, between pro n contra...

Harpitnas ( Hari kejepit nasional ), hari yang paling nanggung, abiss... kamis libur jumat masuk n sabtu masuk lagi... watttaaauuuu... sebagai profesional seharusnya gak ada masalah dengan jam kerja dan akrab dengan deadline ( cieelaaahhhh... lagu lho sengak! ). Nonton TV isinya sinetron dengan jalan cerita supa dupa monoton ( They re realy sucks! ), kalo gak setan2an or supra natural mambo jambo, kalo gak reality show yang gak jelas, kalo gak sekumpulan orang yg sok alim taat beragama n akhirnya ciptaan dogma ttg kehidupan dah gitu pake nasehatin orang lagi dah gitu pada suka lagi, udah gitu kalo gak isinya penuh dengan bahasa gaul kaya "getolohhh.." or "plis deh!" ato yang jaman dulu bgt kaya "nihhh...yeee" ( pembokat baget! ). Kok jadi bahas bahasa gaul siy? damned! Balik lagi ke Harpitnas... eng ing eng... cuman ada 3 kata buat harpitnas...yaitu Gak Ngaruh Kalieeee... coz gw kerjanya shift2an.



The mourning fades
with slits from razorblades
coming on from the torn apart
Beauty she cries
weeping beneath these skies
with a bullet lodged in her heart

The mourning fades
with slits from razorblades
coming on from the torn apart
Beauty she cries
weeping beneath these skies
with a bullet lodged in her heart

She whispers in sigh
Asking, “why must it die?”
The great answers are never clear
Trying hard to hold
but she just grows cold
she knows, nothing grows out here

Now, in this season
of rhymes without reason
in the belly of this radiant beast
as we eat of the rain
just to touch on our pain
upon the greatest burden we feast

So, what is to feel?
If we never seem to heal
is there anyone that surely knows?
Where winds are blown
in wonderment of unknown
I say this, out here nothing grows

Posted by: BlackAcidProphet

Labor Day / May Day

Sedikit mengenai hari buruh tanggal May 1st yang biasa disebut Mayday, ini penting buat para pekerja dan menolak pembodohan tenaga kerja / buruh yang masih banyak terjadi di negeri kita ini ( Indonesia kalieeee... )

Labor Day / May Day

The observation of Labor Day on the first Monday in September is usually attributed to the Knights of Labor who held their first parade on September 5, 1882. But far more important is the Haymarket Riot/Massacre of 1886. (See also and There are several interpretations of what occurred, and monuments have been constructed to both the demonstrators and the police. A reasonable summary is that the labor organizers were peacefully demonstrating for an eight hour day, an anarchist threw a bomb in to the crowd, which killed a policeman, the police killed several demonstrators and some policemen, the powers that be arrested the labor leaders.

It was in 1887 that Oregon became the first state to establish Labor Day as a holiday, which it put on the first Saturday in June. Colorado, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York observed Labor Day on the first Monday in September that year. Then in 1889, the First (Paris) Congress of the Second Socialist International selected May First as a day for international celebration of the working man, no matter what day of the week it fell on. May first was chosen in commemoration of the Haymarket Massacre which occured in Chicago in 1886. In 1894, the first Monday in September was established as a federal holiday in the United States.

Why should the American working man celebrate Labor Day in September when the workers of the world are celebrating it on May first in commemoration of American Martyrs to the labor movement? This question is clarified by the fact that May first is observed unilaterally by workers (not by management), while the September holiday is enjoyed by all, perpetuating the myth that Labor and Management are both working together. The proclamation of Labor Day in September in the United States can only be interpreted as an effort to isolate the working American from his colleagues around the world, and obscure the history of what Management did to Labor in Chicago in 1886. Labor Day in the United States is better described as mocking than celebrating the working man in America.

[The immediate cause of the establishment of Labor Day as a holiday in September was to appease the working man after the Crushing of the Pullman strike in 1894.]

July 1996

Thin ice

You'd think that crossing the Arctic would be less dangerous in the summer. But in fact, thin ice and a warming climate make it far more treacherous.

On 13 May, explorers Lonnie Dupre and Eric Larsen will leave on a four-month unsupported expedition across the Arctic Ocean. Enduring shifting sea ice, these explorers will attempt one of the toughest feats in history. This journey however, is more than a story about heroism and adventure. Using skis and canoes, the team will cross the ice from Cape Arctichesky, Siberia, through the North Pole and onto Ellesmere Island, Canada, to document the impacts of global warming and highlight the threat it presents -- not only to the region, but to our entire planet.

While you may not be able to join Lonnie and Eric, you can still do your part to stop global warming. Watch for global action alerts at Greenpeace USA's website covering the expedition.

Taken from Greenpeace Activist News, Vol 5, No. 4.

You can also tell us your personal story on things you have done to fight global warming.

Help save the sheep!

Most people have no idea that sheep raised for wool are often mutilated and castrated without painkillers, then disposed of by being shipped thousands of miles on open-deck, multitiered ships through all weather extremes, and eventually slaughtered while fully conscious.

Much of the world's wool—from clothing to carpets—comes from sheep raised in Australia or New Zealand, where farmers restrain sheep using metal bars and, without any pain relief, slice away large chunks of flesh from the animals' backsides.
Sheep are gentle individuals who, like all other animals, feel pain, fear, and loneliness. But because of the market for their fleece and skins, they are treated as nothing more than wool-producing machines.

Anyone who buys wool helps foot the bill for a cruel and bloody industry that no amount of fluff can hide. There are plenty of durable, stylish, and warm fabrics available that aren't made from animal skins. Please join the millions of people who know that compassion is the fashion. Save a sheep—don't buy wool

"It is the 21st [c]entury. I don't think that we should use flesh or the skin of any creature to make ourselves look good. The abuse that is involved in wool is so outrageous to me. We can do something that's really compassionate or something that's cruel. I really make every effort in my life to make the compassionate choice."
—Alicia Silverstone

Libur 5 May 2005

Kenaikan Isa Almasih tapi gak bisa ke Gereja coz Kerja gw shift, pulang dari kantor jam 7 naek bus AC 137A nyampe rumah jam 9 am. Berangkat lagi jam 1 ke rumah haneh baneh, mo nonton Bioskop Filem nyang Judulnye " Janji Joni "... biasalah Cewek selalu melihat fisik baru kemudian jalan cerita, etc... Nyampe 21 malah nonton film " Curse " bukan " janji Joni " trus "XXX2" BT bgt coz jagoannya yg dari vin diesel sekarang malah jadi niger/negro ( Racist bgt yak? )... Gak lah... gw gak pernah jadi Racist.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Ascencion Day of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ shed his blood upon the cross for the salvation of sinners. And John says," If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."..1 John 1:9
And Jesus says: "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."..Mark 16:16.

This is a very plain statement, which gives the promise of salvation to the believer and informs us of the doom of those who will not believe. The very moment that the condition of the Word of God are met by yielding all to the will of God, it is the privilege of the sinner to believe for the pardon of all sins that he has ever committed. He will not forgive a part of them and leave the others against us, but will blot them out and remember them no more again t us forever.

This need not be put off until some future time, because, "Now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."..2Cor 6:2 When faith lays hold upon the promises of God, the condition having been met, God speaks the pardoning word and the soul is free from the bondage of sin; translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. And whomsoever the Lord makes free is free indeed.

It is then the duty of the one who thus been delivered from sin to be baptized. John the Baptist taught that people should repent of their sins before being baptized, and would not baptized the Pharisees because they did not show forth by their life and works the fruits of repentance.

Jesus taught that the people must be baptized; after his death and resurrection, and before his ascencion we read of him giving his last command to the apostles: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observed all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."..Matthew 28:19-20.

It was not long after this until Peter, preaching by the power of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, set forth the Word of God with such power that the people were convicted of their sinful condition and cried out: "Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said to unto them, Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."

Some get the idea from this that water washes away the sins, but such is not the case. They are baptized because they have been cleansed from their sins, which have been remitted through the blood of Jesus, by believing on him. It is only a ceremonial or figurative washing; an outward manifestation of an inward work already wrought in the heart through the blood.

The ceremonial performance concerning the cleansing of the leper as recorded in Leviticus 14:1-8 is a beautiful type or representation of salvation and baptism. The two birds typify Christ and the Holy Spirit. The leper was sprinkled with blood by the priest and pronounced clean, but was afterwards commanded to "wash himself in water," as a fulfilment of the law because he had been cleaned.

In like manner baptism in water is required after a person has been cleansed from his sins by the blood of Jesus, which is an outward signification to the people of the inward cleansing, and represents a washing or cleansing only in a figurative sense. "Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,"...1 Pet 3:21.To make this point more clear we refer to a later incident in the ministry of Peter in Acts 10:47-48, where he said: "Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord."

Here were persons who not only had their sins forgiven, but had received the Holy Ghost, and after all this were commanded to be baptized in water. Some were baptized immediately after they were converted, and others after they were not only converted, but had received the Holy Ghost through the sanctifying power and grace of God. It would do no good to baptize one before his sins were forgiven He would only go down a dry sinner and come up a wet one.

Simply sprinkling or pouring water upon a person is not baptism, but it is to go down into the water and be immersed, which represents a burial, as the Word says-"Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead."..Colossian 2:12.

The washing away of sins is by the power of God through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, as we read in Revelation 1:5, "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.

Taken from :

Mengapa Harus Menjadi Vegetaris

Banyak alasan untuk menjadi vegetarian, namun yang paling penting berasal dari pantangan pertama, yang menyatakan bahwa kita dilarang membunuh makhluk hidup, atau "Anda tidak boleh membunuh".(Keluaran 20:13)

Tidak membunuh atau melukai makhluk hidup lain memberikan manfaat yang nyata kepada makhluk tersebut. Hal ini juga bermanfaat bagi kita namun kurang tampak. Mengapa? karena hukum sebab akibat."... Apa yang anda tabur, itulah yang akan anda tuai" Ketika anda membunuh, atau menyebabkan orang lain membunuh bagi anda, agar memuaskan napsu makan daging anda, anda menimbulkan hutang karma, dan hutang ini pada akhirnya harus dibayar.

Jadi kenyataannya. menjalankan diet vegetarian merupakan hadiah yang kita berikan kepada diri sendiri. kita merasa lebih baik, kualitas kehidupan kita bertambah baik karena beban hutang karma kita berkurang, dan kita ditawari pengalaman batin, jalan masuk ke alam surgawi. Benar-benar berharga, Dibandingkan dengan penderitaan kecil yang harus anda bayar!. Alasan rohani yang menentang makan daging dapat menyakinkan sebagian orang, namun ada alasan lain yang lebih meyakinkan agar menjadi vegetarian. Semuanya berdasarkan pendapatan umum. Mereka harus menjalankannya berhubungan dengan masalah kesehatan dan gizi pribadi, ekologi dan lingkungan, ketika dan penderitaan hewan serta kelaparan di dunia

Resep masakan Vegetarian

singkatan-singkatan takaran:
ckr. = Cangkir
gls. = Gelas
sdt. = Sendok teh
sdm. = Sendok Makan
gr. = Gram
kg. = Kilogram
oz. = Onz
ptg. = Potong
ktg. = Kaleng
Gluten - Daging Vegetarian
Bola - bola Gluten
Sop Oyong Rumput Laut Kulit Tahu
Sop Asparagus Jamur Tahu
Sop Susu Segar

Gluten - Daging Vegetarian

Gluten merupakan daging vegetarian buatan dari tepung sebagai pengganti daging yang sebenarnya. Banyak tersedia sekarang di toko-toko penjual bahan makanan
vegetarian yang dibuat dengan kandungan gluten, jamur, rumput laut, dan rempah-rempah lainnya sehingga rasanya tidak kalah dengan daging hewani. Kita juga dapat membuatnya sendiri apabila malas membeli yang jadi. Cara membuatnya sangat sederhana, dan dengan bertambahnya pengalaman membuat gluten di rumah sendiri, maka akan semakin bertambah juga variasi dan tambahan pembuatan gluten tsb sehingga makin enak rasanya.

Berikut disertakan sedikit teknik sederhana membuat gluten.

Tepung terigu cakra 9 mangkok (1200 gr);
3 mangkok air

Cara Membuat:
Campur tepung dan air, buatlah adonan yang keras. Remas-remas selamat 10 menit.
Rendam dalam air, selama 30 menit atau lebih
Remas-remas adonan untuk melepaskan patinya. Buang air pati, bilas di bawah air kran kecil hingga terdapat gluten sebanyak setengah adonan semula.
Bagi gluten dalam 4 bagian, rebus dalam air selama 40 menit.

Bola-bola Gluten

Buat bola-bola gluten sebesar ibujari. Letakkan pada lengser dan bakar pada suhu 180 derajat celcius hingga bola-bola mengembang dengan ringan. Masukkan air mendidih dan kerjakan seperti di atas.

Meresapkan Rasa Gluten

1 1/2 mangkok Gluten
1/2 sdm kanji/maizena
1/4 sdt kecap hitam
1/2 sdt kecap putih
1/4 sdt minyak wijen
1/2 sdt jahe cincang halus
1/2 sdm air
1/2 sdm minyak

Cara Membuat:
Campur semua bahan, rendam selama 5 menit.
Panaskan minyak dalam wajan. Goreng daging gluten tsb dengan api kecil, bolak balik sebentar-sebentar. Daging gluten sudah siap dipakai untuk berbagai masakan.

Selain teknik pembuatan daging gluten tsb, banyak juga dipakai sebagai penggantinya adalah kaki jamur yang banyak dijual secara kiloan. Kaki jamur ini direndam dengan air panas hingga lunak, dan kemudian ditumbuk/dicincang hingga halus. Cincangan tsb dibentuk potongan-potongan daging serta dilumuri dengan bumbu dan tepung. Untuk kemudian dapat digoreng atau dimasak dalam berbagai resep masakan sebagai daging nabati.

Sop Oyong Rumput Laut Kulit Tahu

Gambas/Oyong 1/4 kg
2 lembar rumput laut yang sudah dikeringkan
kulit tahu yang basah 1/3 lembar
Jahe seiris
Jamur hitam 4-5 kuntum
Wortel beberapa iris
Air bersih 3 1/2 ckr.
Ham vegetarian 3 iris

Garam 1/4 sdt
Minyak wijen secukupnya
minyak makan 1 sdt
Merica secukupnya.

Cara Memasak:
Kulit tahu di lap dgn kain halus; rumput laut dipotong; kaki jamur dipotong dan dicuci bersih.
Gambas/Oyong dibuang kulitnya dan dicuci serta dipotong serong
Peraskan 1/2 sdt minyak, jahe yang telah diiris digoreng sampai wangi, masukan air bersih, masukan gambas/oyong dan kulit tahu yang telah dipotong ke dalam kuah.
Tunggu sampai mendidih dan matang agar kelihatan agak kental Masukkan ham vegetarian yang telah dipotong kecil-kecil.
Rumput laut yang telah dipotong bersama bumbu-bumbu dimasukkan ke dalam mangkok tempat kuah.
Kuah yang telah matang dituangkan ke dalam mangkok tempat kuah, dan di aduk dengan bumbunya. Siap untuk dihidangkan.

Sop Asparagus Jamur Tahu

(A) Jamur kaleng 10gr
Jamur bunga 10gr
Wortel 10g (bahan-bahan dipotong persegi) tahu 1 potong.
Ham vegetarian 3 iris
(B) Wortel 40 biji
brokoli 8 potong
Sop Jamur 150 gr.

Garam 5 gr
Gula 10 gr.
Tepung sagu 20gr.

Cara Memasak:
Tahu dan ham vegetarian digiling dgn mesin giling, kemudian masukan bahan (A) dan bumbu, diaduk rata dan masukkan ke dalam piring anti pecah untuk dikukus.
Setelah dikukus, taruhlah brokoli di pinggirnya, kemudian masukkan sop jamur ke bahan (B), taburkan sedikit garam, gula, tepung sagu sebagai lapisan, kemudian tuangkan bahan (B) ini di atas tahu.

Sop Susu Sugar

Tomat 1 biji. Biji jagung 6 sdm
Jamur matang 10 biji.
Kacang polong hijau 1 kaleng
Sop Jamur 1 mangkok makan
Susu segar 1 gelas (250cc)

Tepung sagu 2 1/2 sdm
Mentega 1 1/2 sdm
Garam 1 1/2 sdt
Wijen 1/2 sdt
Merica Putih 1/2 sdt.

Cara Memasak:
Tomat dicuci bersih, buang bijinya. Kemudian dipotong menjadi bentuk persegi
biji jagung dicuci bersih, dipotong halus-halus.
Kacang polong hijau dan sop jamur digiling rata, tambahkan susu segar, masukkan bahan penyedap rasa vegetarian, wijen, garam, merica putih dan tepung terigu, diaduk hingga merata.
Semua bahan-bahan yang telah dipotong persegi dimasak hingga mendidih (perhatikan jangan sampai hangus), kemudian dimasak dengan api kecil selama 3 menit.
Sebelum disantap, tambahkan susu segar sesuai selera.

"Anda mesti bekerja sendiri, kalian semua, sampai Anda memahami apa adanya
dirimu, dan tidak tergantung pada segala sesuatu. Bersikap teguhlah. Jangan
terlalu banyak menaruh kepentingan pada keberadaan fisik Anda. Berikan makanan
secukupnya; berikan tubuh makanan secukupnya, pakaian secukupnya, latihan
secukupnya, hanya itu saja. Jadikan tubuh itu menyenangkan dan itu sudah
cukup. Kalau tidak kita akan selamanya terikat pada dimensi fisik. Apapun yang
terlalu kita perhatikan, kita akan terikat dengannya. Saya juga harus bekerja
untuk pemahamanku. Kemungkinan saya bekerja lebih cepat dari Anda, tetapi
cepat atau lambat Anda akan sampai."

~Maha Guru Ching Hai~

Perjalanan Veganisme
Veronica Munoz writes: "I am a vegan raw foodist and I have information on vegan raw diet, humane education, compassionate and simple living, spirituality and animal rights issues on my website. I also have info on my personal experience on anorexia versus choosing a vegan raw diet and much more."
"Learn about edible and medicinal wild vegetables, herbs, greens, fruits, berries, nuts, seeds, and mushrooms with NYC's favorite naturalist, 'Wildman' Steve Brill. Find out about his public Wild Food and Ecology tours and the work he does with children. Read excerpts from his books and enjoy his botanical artwork and vegan recipes. Discover what happened after he was arrested by undercover NYC park rangers for eating a dandelion in Central Park through some very funny press clippings."

Paul Nahay's Animal Rights Page contains an interesting and useful set of facts, quotes, news, views and links.

Canadian seal hunt begins

The Canadian Government has chosen to proceed with the Atlantic seal hunt on the ice floes in the Gulf of St Lawrence, despite evidence that the hunt is unsustainable and scientifically unjustifiable. The hunt began 29 March at 6am local time.

A further hunt in Labrador, known as the Front, will begin on April 12. The total allowable catch (TAC) for this year is 319,500 harp seals, 95 percent of which will be under one year old. This brings the total to 975,000 seals that will have been killed and officially registered over the three-year management plan produced by the Government's Department of Fisheries and Oceans.

Save Kakinada beach from dirty shipbreaking

am devastated by the move of the government to set up a shipbreaking yard in Kakinada. We can't afford to lose our income. I will strongly protest against the shipbreaking plans.


The beautiful beach of Kakinada (India) may soon turn into a scrapyard for old, toxic ships, threatening the lives of local people and the nearby Coringa nature reserve. Kakinada fishing families need your help to save Kakinada beach. Let the President of Andra Pradesh and the European Union know they should protect nature and the livelihood of Kakinada families.

Protect the reindeer forests

Here's a message from Matti at the Forest Rescue Station in northern Finland.)

Right now we are standing up for the forest rights of Sámi indigenous people against the greed of a state controlled logging company. Despite the fact that their reindeer forests are supposed to be protected, the Finnish government is profiting from their destruction.

Only international pressure from people like you can help defend these forests and help us win this campaign. Take action and make sure we are not alone!

Matti Liimatainen

Write to StoraEnso and the Finnish Ministry of Finance, which is the largest single shareholder in the company.
Please Click:

Write to the Finnish foreign minister
Please Click:

Visit the web log for the Forest Rescue Station
Please Click:

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Whale Meat

Ada berita dari seorang Activist greenpeace ( Jim Wickens ) yaitu Pemerintah Korea berencana akan mendirikan Pabrik pengolahan daging ikan paus ( whale meat processing factory ). Green Peace dan Korean Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM) berencana akan memboikot, tetapi masih perlu suara untuk meminta pemerintah korea membatalkan pembangunan tersebut. Suara teman-teman sangat berguna. Please Visit : For Action.