Sebuah wacana yang menarik (atau genius?) untuk dibagi atas dasar keprihatinan akan bencana alam yang melanda negeri ini.. Turut berduka cita atas semua korban gempa dan Tsunami di pesisir laut selatan dan semua korban bencana alam Indonesia. Di copy-paste dari, susah ditranslate (kuatir artinya akan berbeda jauh). Ditulis oleh Terry Glavin salah seorang kontributor Adbusters untuk buku "Waiting for the Macaws and Other Stories from the Age of Extinctions". Bercerita tentang akibat sebab akibat Bencana Alam yang melanda planet bumi ini... hmmm selamat menikmati!
How Do We Win the Planetary Endgame?
By: Terry Glavin
Ecological collapse, mass extinction, epidemic disease, global drought, crop failure, desertification, famine.
That’s the global-warming whirlwind that we’re about to reap, a majority of the world’s climate scientists say, unless we act very quickly.
It all seems just so daunting, so unutterably overwhelming, that it’s tempting to succumb to the narcissism of paralysis, panic and despair. So, if you’re one of those people who are resigned to the prospect of a climate-change apocalypse, here’s what you should do.
1. Shut up. 2. Get out of the way.
As for the rest of you, you can join those people all over the world who have decided that we actually can and will steer this ship of Earth well clear of the shoals ahead. There really are solutions to the crisis, and they’re readily available to all of us.
True, the United States, Canada and Australia have betrayed the rest of the industrialized world by thumbing their noses at the greenhouse-gas reduction targets set out in the Kyoto Protocol. But 163 nations have ratified the treaty. And in a perverse twist of luck, the first-round “rich nation” target of bringing greenhouse-gas emissions back to 5.9 percent below 1990 levels has actually been met – mainly because so many of Russia’s Soviet-era factories have fallen apart.
The European Union, meanwhile, has established a carbon-trading system to keep within its targets, and some countries are going a step further. Iceland continues to harness more of its geothermal power resources and is investing heavily in hydrogen engines for its transportation sector. The country plans to be oil-free by 2050. There is good news from the climate change front, everywhere.
Even in the United States – which remains the world’s worst greenhouse-gas producer – hundreds of industries, towns, and counties have pledged to meet or beat Kyoto’s targets. In Britain, Newcastle – the city formerly famous for its coal mines – is going even further, with plans to become the world’s first “carbon neutral” city.
Individuals, too – especially North Americans and Europeans – can make enormous contributions to the struggle. Just trading in an SUV for a hybrid-fuel vehicle is an act that reduces an individual’s CO2 emissions by 70 percent. Most of us could easily exceed our per-capita Kyoto obligations by “lifestyle” changes so minor we wouldn’t even notice.
All over the world, new and effective initiatives are springing up that offer industries, corporations and individuals the capacity to radically scale back their net contributions to global warming. “Carbon offsets” is just one method. Every time you take an airplane, for instance, you can offset the greenhouse-gas impact of your flight by investing a small amount of cash in a developing-world green-energy project.
These small acts of defiance against institutional climate-change intransigence will not win the war against global warming by themselves, but small acts of defiance can and will make a difference. They always do.
Yes, we have to hold government accountable. Every single politician, at every level, must be called to account, every day. But that’s not going to be enough.
So don’t wait. Don’t cling to the faint hope that climate-change skeptics might be right. And don’t go all bleary-eyed and useless about humanity’s mistreatment of the mother-goddess Gaia, either. Those are peacetime activities. And this is something very much like war.
Terry Glavin is a regular Adbusters contributor whose most recent book is Waiting for the Macaws and Other Stories from the Age of Extinctions.
"Mungkin kita tidak bisa selalu membantu langsung dengan segala keterbatasan, setidaknya ada "sesuatu" untuk berbagi... kita tidak sempurna tetapi setidaknya kita mencoba.."
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006

Gak terasa udah 9999.9 KM motor gw... udah banyak kisah, mulai dari jatuh, ikut demo anti KFC, ampe kemaren my bigbro jatuh ampe harus operasi... gw gak tau mau sayang or kesel ama motor ini.. udh nemenin gw kemana2.. tapi banyak nyusahin juga.. hmmm but i love it. Arrrghhhh gak tau deh.. Pngen siy pake Vespa but lebih nyusahin lagi, banyakan mogoknya daripada untungnya... hehehe but sekali lagi I LOve IT! Gw harap gw bakal pake kendaraan urban ini ampe gw sukses n bisa beli Hummer (Aminnnn) n gak akan gw jual coz gw terlalu sentimentil ama motor ini si Jengki (Bebek) ama si Trungtung (Vespa)... Mudah2an gak akan pernah ada lagi yg celaka ya JC...
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Irene and Winur Farewell Party
Irene mantan atmon (ATM MOnitoring) crew yg sangat bisa dihandalkan kerjaannya, rapih n cuepet banget. TOP Abies! So gak heran lah kalo dia di hire jd MIS Kelapa Gading Branch. Nah kemaren dia ngadain farewell gitu deh coz senen dia udh gak di Bapindo (Hik sedih.. kangen ama suara berisik lo Ren.. ama tissue, kue, permen, semuanya dehhh... i'm gonna miss ya sist!)

Kebetulan gw mau beli new album DC "Dusk and Summer" di Soho buat Maria, n pngen ketemuan ama Anton (photografer prof underground) but dia lagi gak duty. Trus janjian ama Maria, gw ajak aja sekalian. Yah nyampe di Platinum ternyata udah rame amat yeah. Trus disusul ama pras n idoy, udh deh tambah rame ajah. Gw mesen kangkung polos ama rice (Vegan Power!). Maria mesen apa yah? Lupa euyy...

O iya si Winur juga di hire jd staff so ini Irene and Winur Party, thx for both of ya. Yah setiap kerja keras pasti membuahkan hasil lah. Mereka berdua emang pantes banget. Gw seneng aja pas banget gw lagi libur, padahal khan jarang2 neh gw bisa kaya gene, biasanya bentrok ajah ama scheduled duty yg amit2 banget itu! Sekali libur siy emang nampol! 4 hari! but yah gitu deh, gw tetep pngen hidup normal, pngen ke gereja ama my Fam. Pngen nerusin S2, yah bnyk lah cita2 gw yg kandas gara scheduled assoy geboy kaya gene! DAMNED!

Thanks banget yah Ren n Winur, wish all the best with you. Btw ini neh gambar srikandi citibank plush binusian, lumayan menyemarakan blog yg penuh dengan gambar2 yang macho, menghadirkan sisi feminimisme dari sebuah kehidupan gw dibelakang kawat duri yang selalu membatasi kita, mencoba melawan keluar dari lingkaran kawat duri, melawan, atau menyerah dan terus bertahan dibelakangnya? Take care! Peter The Vegans Lion menuliskannya dari belakang kawat duri.

The sky glows
I see it shining when my eyes close
I hear your warnings but we both know
I'm gonna look at it again
Don't wait, don't wait
The road is now a sudden sea
And suddenly, you're deep enough
To lay your armor down
To lay your armor down
To lay your armor down
(Dashboard Confessional. "Don't Wait" taken from album "Dust and Summer")
Kebetulan gw mau beli new album DC "Dusk and Summer" di Soho buat Maria, n pngen ketemuan ama Anton (photografer prof underground) but dia lagi gak duty. Trus janjian ama Maria, gw ajak aja sekalian. Yah nyampe di Platinum ternyata udah rame amat yeah. Trus disusul ama pras n idoy, udh deh tambah rame ajah. Gw mesen kangkung polos ama rice (Vegan Power!). Maria mesen apa yah? Lupa euyy...
O iya si Winur juga di hire jd staff so ini Irene and Winur Party, thx for both of ya. Yah setiap kerja keras pasti membuahkan hasil lah. Mereka berdua emang pantes banget. Gw seneng aja pas banget gw lagi libur, padahal khan jarang2 neh gw bisa kaya gene, biasanya bentrok ajah ama scheduled duty yg amit2 banget itu! Sekali libur siy emang nampol! 4 hari! but yah gitu deh, gw tetep pngen hidup normal, pngen ke gereja ama my Fam. Pngen nerusin S2, yah bnyk lah cita2 gw yg kandas gara scheduled assoy geboy kaya gene! DAMNED!
Thanks banget yah Ren n Winur, wish all the best with you. Btw ini neh gambar srikandi citibank plush binusian, lumayan menyemarakan blog yg penuh dengan gambar2 yang macho, menghadirkan sisi feminimisme dari sebuah kehidupan gw dibelakang kawat duri yang selalu membatasi kita, mencoba melawan keluar dari lingkaran kawat duri, melawan, atau menyerah dan terus bertahan dibelakangnya? Take care! Peter The Vegans Lion menuliskannya dari belakang kawat duri.
The sky glows
I see it shining when my eyes close
I hear your warnings but we both know
I'm gonna look at it again
Don't wait, don't wait
The road is now a sudden sea
And suddenly, you're deep enough
To lay your armor down
To lay your armor down
To lay your armor down
(Dashboard Confessional. "Don't Wait" taken from album "Dust and Summer")
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