Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Slowdown Week

15-21 January itu adalah Slowdown Week!. 7 Hari tanpa fastfood, gak buru-buru, slow, nyantai dirumah aja. Kita tidak perlu untuk terburuburu dalam kesibukan keseharian kita dan rutinitas. We value focus and relaxed concentration. We value being here and now. Bukan berarti kita tidak mau percaya akan etos bekerja keras, we do. Bisa kita liat dalam kehidupan keseharian kita yang ruwet, kadang malah kita juga terlibat dalam yang namanya Kerja Keras.. Tapi pasti ada cara yang lebih baik. Bersikap tenang (Slowing down) itu membutuhkan kemampuan yang harus dipelajari. Mungkin gak semua orang seperti itu. Kita bekerja untuk mendapatkan ruang dan status sosial dimasyarakat, jika menurut masyarakat "baik" maka itu "baik" juga untuk kita. Mungkin tulisan seorang teman dibawah ini bisa memberi makna dalam slowdown week atau malah dalam keseharian kita (tanpa maksud untuk menjadi MALAS!):

Every day millions of people rush off to jobs at factory plants to produce television sets, cars, computers, and a wide assortment of consumer goods created at a frantic pace.

Most of these products, after an unbelievably short lifespan, end up in landfills and harm the environment and our lives. In the process of producing and consuming all this stuff, we're making ourselves sick with stress and exhaustion.

In February 2005, the Kyoto Protocol took effect. It was a promise to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and industrial pollution by 6%. Many scientists agree that we need to achieve a reduction ten times that amount if we are to survive the century.

The message is clear: we need to slow down.

Let's focus on devoting less time to production and consumption, and more time to the things that matter most, like music, art, culture, recreation, family, and community. More time for sanity. A reduced work week is a positive step, not only for the planet, but for all of the people on it.

"Workers of the world - RELAX !!!!"
by: Conrad, Wednesday, 25 May 2005
Workless Party

Mohon maaf kalo saya memakai kata "Kita". Tidak bermaksud untuk menyinggung pembaca blog ini.

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